I have just mailed this information to those who requested it. If you
requested this information from me and do not receive it in 2 days, please
send another request. If you sent your request to my CompuServe address,
please send another request to my [log in to unmask] address. Sorry about
that, but I upgraded my computer over the weekend and found that my new
motherboard doesn't want to talk to my old 70meg MFM drive... it liked my
234meg IDE, but all my CompuServe files were on my "D" drive (the 70
megger..) so all messages sent to that address are gone (for the immediate
Thanks and hope you enjoy the info.
Mark C. Vang ..... the virtual drifter .....
[log in to unmask] | [log in to unmask]
**** In an insane society, the sane man appears insane. - Spock ****