Attached is the policy of the Canadian War Museum:

Harry Needham
Canadian War Museum

[log in to unmask]
(819) 776-8612    FAX: (819) 776-8623

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(613) 831-1068   FAX (613) 831-9412

> ----------
> From:         Bartholomew F. Bland[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Reply To:     Museum discussion list
> Sent:         Wednesday, December 08, 1999 8:00 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      No Subject
> The museum that I work at is  reviewing its deaccession policy.  We have a
> requirement that after the  staff and trustee committees review and
> finalize
> approval of deaccessions, the current policy requires a two year waiting
> period before the items are AGAIN brought before the board to re-confirm
> the
> deaccession.  This strikes me as excessive. Can anyone tell me of any
> similar
> policy at another museum, and if so, what is the justification for it?
> Thank
> you very much.
> =========================================================
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