The September/October issue of "Legacy," The Magazine of the National
Association for Interpretation,has a great article called "Developing an
Educational Outreach Kit: Interpretation Beyond Park Boundaries" by Mary
Herver, Cathy Beeler and Ben Miller.

You might start there.

--Diane Gutenkauf
Manager of Interpretation and Exhibits
The Morton Arboretum
Lisle IL

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:45:00 -0600, Draper, Steven GS11-1CD Museum Dir
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Dear list,
>    I am trying to develop more educational programs and incorporate
>volunteers to support the new programs.  I would like to develop a series
>traveling trunks on the history of the US Cavalry and different areas US
>military history.  The trunks would be developed for 5th and 6th graders.
>    My problem is how do I get started?  If your museum has worked with
>travel trunks could you send information on your program.
>Preserving the Legend!
>Steven C. Draper
>1st Cavalry Division Museum

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