One way to work around that--certainly one that I would suggest to my
museum which is larger than yours but still on the small side and in the
planning stages of more facility space:

Why not an atrium that could display Community works--and then the displays
could be programmed and mounted through the museum in a way that affords
that particular selection the kind of attention it deserves without mixing
it with the more traditional curated exhibits in the museum proper?

Does that sound like a workable compromise without blurring the lines?

-----Original Message-----
From:   Carrie Beauchamp [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Thursday, November 18, 1999 2:08 PM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Exhibiting Private Collections

I hope some of you can comment on this: someone on our exhibit committee
recently suggested that we start seeking out and exhibiting local people's
private collections. This set off alarm bells in my head.

We are a smallish (7 full time staff) history museum, but the collection is
large enough to support both permanent and temporary exhibits indefinitely.
The suggestion was that using community members' collections would
local visitation by fostering a sense of  community "ownership" of the
(which unfortunately seems to often conflict with the staff's wish to abide
by professional standards). My first concern was the possible conflict of
interest when the private collection is for sale-- a museum exhibit would
enhance the collection's value.  My other, almost subconscious, concern was
the political problem of deciding which collections are "worthy" of a
exhibit (our mission is vague enough that I can see a lot of these
coming down to quality of the collection rather than subject matter).

Am I being a snob, or are these legitimate concerns? Is there an article
about this somewhere which I could show the committee? Has anyone else
with this? You can reply to the list or to me off list. Thanks!

Carrie Beauchamp
CFD Old West Museum
Cheyenne, Wyoming

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