CURATOR, NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE.  Museum Division, State Historical Society
of Wisconsin (Madison) seeks experienced, professional curator to be
responsible for collection, care, and interpretation of artifacts
documenting Native American life.  Appointee will be expected to research
and develop exhibits on a variety of topics in Wisconsin Native American
history and to coordinate NAGPRA requests.  Ideal candidate will have: M.A.
in Native American Studies, or in anthropology or museum studies with
emphasis on Native American culture or history; three years professional
museum experience in curation of Native American ethnographic objects;
demonstrated scholarship in research and interpretation of Native
collections; demonstrated experience working with Native Nations; and
familiarity with repatriation laws and process.  Starting salary
$28,979-$33,324.  Excellent benefits package.  Apply with resume and letter
of interest (no more than 10 pages total).  Be sure to describe: 1) academic
degrees; 2) number of graduate credits in Native American culture/history;
3) professional curatorial experience and responsibilities; 4) size and
nature of Native American collections curated; 5) exhibit experience and
responsibilities; 6) publications.  Send requested materials by December 15,
1999 to Sandy Nelson, Personnel Office, State Historical Society of
Wisconsin, 816 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. The Society is functioning
under an aggressive affirmative action program and minority candidates are
strongly encouraged to apply.

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