
I am not an official member of this list, but I have a question concerning
custom-built art storage containers and cabinets. I am the Archivist of The
Riverside Church in New York City. We have a collection of paintings on
canvass, and we are looking to create a storage environment for them. The
paintings themselves range in varying sizes. We have contacted our shelving
supplier, who is drawing up plans to create a art storage cabinet with
rolling interior shelves. He suggested custom-building a plexiglas
construction as opposed to a steel cabinet. Plexiglas is also cheaper. I
know that museums use plexiglas for displays, but are there any concerns
over the use of plexiglas for long-term art storage? Is there anything
specific I should consider in terms of storing paintings?

As a bonus question, our shelving supplier is also drawing up plans to
create a cabinet of the same material types for a collection of 16",
glass-based and vinyl recordings from the 1930s - 1950s. Any ideas on how
plexiglas and the vinyl coating would get along after, say, 20 years?

Any help you can provide will be appreciated.
Tanya Elder
The Riverside Church
490 Riverside Drive
New York, NY 10027
(212) 870-6815

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