i checked out your site..its fantastic!
i'm a former art administrator..wanting to learn and get into the heritage
mgmt. would you know of any other sites?

sangeeta razu

>From: Roy <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: website discussion
>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:33:49 -0700
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>A long time lurker emerges to reveal the parttime webmaster within:
>Mary queried thusly:
> >if it's possible to install a "Large Print Edition" button on one's
> >*Most* sites are challenging for the less visually acute (bifocal
> >etc.). I suppose one would have to compose another page in a large font
> >the button would be a link...but is there a better way?
> >
>This is a very good question. Over the past month or so I've visited over
>3000 museum related websites. (Sound crazy? All for a good cause. My new
>website http://museumstuff.com demands this level of thourough
>investigation!) Not ONE "large print option button" to be found, that I
>recall anyway!
>Anyway, badly concealed personal plugs aside, I think your "large print"
>button is a good idea. One way that it could be done is with a coding
>language known as javascript. A decent codemasher could pound this one out
>pretty quickly, and then the code snippet could be placed on each page. No
>need to duplicate pages the way you suggested.
>I could probably even do the code for it. Unfortunately I don't have time
>right now! Too many other pots to stir. Any fellow lurkers out there that
>would like to work on this? I think it would be a popular code, bring fame,
>fortune, praise, etc.
>Just an idea ;)
>Roy H
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