In regard to GIS and its application in the museum environment ...
I have briefly discussed this issue with my husband, who is a
photogrammetrist and he feels that there are a variety of ways in which GIS
can be applied; however, like most of us, he is up to his eyeballs with work
and cannot respond directly.  He suggests tapping into the PE&ARS site, i.e.
Photgrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing.  There is probably a
discussion list there.  I do not have the URL at present, but if you are
keen I can hunt it down.

        My personal experience with GIS stems from a 6 month secondment I
did in our archaeological sites office.  As we were investigating new
databases for the museum in general, I did a little pilot project  on the
feasibility of a graphical database.  If we had taken this project to its
limit we would have had a database we could query to obtain both textual and
graphical results, i.e. "show me all the sites visited by Joe Blow" or "show
me all the campsites along river A belonging to culture B" ...  We could
have produced maps, etc.  from this information.

        Definitely the archaeological community benefits from GPS and GIS

        The project proved really interesting and showed to me the validity
of GIS for this type of info.  $$$ prevented us from pursuing this issue.

        Hope some of this has proven interesting.

        Patti Davis-Perkins
        Canadian Museum of Civilization
        Artifact Documentation

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