The AAM Ethnic PIC Coalition has expanded!  The four founding members (the
AAM Asian Pacific American Professional Interest Committee (PIC), AAM Latino
Network PIC, AAM Native Americans and Museums Collaborative PIC, and the
Association of African American Museums) have broadened the group to form
the AAM Diversity Coalition.  New members of the coalition are the AAM AIDS
Network, the AAM Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Concerns, the AAM Americans
with Disabilities Taskforce, and the Council of Jewish American Museums. The
group will take a more pluralistic approach to diversity issues in the
museum field.

The AAM Diversity Coalition meets once a month in the Washington, D.C. area
to develop session proposals for the AAM annual meetings and to strategize
ways of encouraging diversity in the museum field as outlined in the AAM
Strategic Agenda.  Discussions focus on opportunities to support diversity
in museum staff, programs, governance and audiences.  In light of this, the
AAM Diversity Coalition is collaborating with the Association of Research
Libraries and the Society of American Archivists to devise a program of
leadership and career development.   This program, now in the research and
planning stages, will fill a void in professional development for mid-career
museum and library professionals who are typically underrepresented.

During the multicultural evening event “Red, Hot & Live” at the 1999 AAM
Annual Meeting in Cleveland, the Coalition held a silent auction which
raised close to $1000 for scholarships for young professionals to attend the
2000 AAM Annual Meeting. The group would like to provide more scholarships
and is seeking additional funds or in-kind donations for next year’s silenet

The AAM Diversity Coalition hopes to establish a strong national network and
asks that any interested members of AAM or affiliate contact the group about
establishing coalitions at state and regional levels. For more information
about the scholarship fund or to learn more about how you can help, please
contact John T. Suau, Meetings and Diversity Coordinator at (202) 218-7676
or e-mail: [log in to unmask]

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