$.29 per mile.

On Tue, 24 Aug 1999 12:02:35 -0400 Gaidi <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>We are trying to give reimbursement for Mleage to anyone using their
>private vehicle. What rates do you use?
>Important Subscriber Information:
>The Museum-L FAQ file is located at
>http://museums.state.nm.us/nmmnh/museum-l.html. You may obtain
>detailed information about the listserv commands by sending a one line
>e-mail message to [log in to unmask] The body of the message
>should read "help" (without the quotes).
>If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
>[log in to unmask] The body of the message should read
>Museum-L" (without the quotes).

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Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/8432/museum-l.html. You may obtain detailed information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] The body of the message should read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message to
[log in to unmask] The body of the message should read "Signoff
Museum-L" (without the quotes).