We're attempting to review and  standardize all our fees and policies, and
there has been some debate about establishing use fees for our photo
colleciton.  We decided to follow the lead of another local museum, which
charges a use fee and a small surcharge for reproduction costs.  However, a
majority of our prints are requested by community members who want to use
the photo copies as decoration.  Some of our board members feel that
charging a "use fee" would be insulting to these people, and want to charge
them a *much* higher surcharge instead.  While the bottom line would be the
same, it would then appear that we are giving commercial enterprises a
price break on the surcharge.

How do other museums decide costs for photo reprints?  Would anyone be
willing to e-mail ro mail me a copy of their use and reproduction fee
schedules?  Does anyone employ separate policies for private and public use?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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