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Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 13:53:15 -0600
From: Tim and Amy Marshall <[log in to unmask]>
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To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Job Opportunity--Caveat, please contact
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Hi, all.
If you've been watching the OPM job pages looking for a museum curator
position to open up, there's one at Ft. Hamilton in Brooklyn, NY.  The
job announcement number is FSU900467.  If you are planning to apply for
this position, I would urge you to contact me at:
[log in to unmask]  for more information.  I was in this position,
and I am able to tell you EXACTLY what you would be walking in to (which
was not a courtesy afforded to me).  I can also provide you with the
telephone numbers of three other museum workers who held positions
there; two of whom were RIFed out of jobs, and one of whom has been
demoted twice and has recently been RIFed (that means "Reduction In
Force" to all the non-DOD-Civilian-types out there--yes, you can apply
for one job and end up somewhere COMPLETELY unrelated to what you
applied for) to School Age Services.
The short story of it all is:  there is no budget, there is no command
support (important in Army Museums), there is a divided command which
makes things worse, your office is located in a space behind a locked
gate and you will not be afforded a key, you will fail your Center of
Military History Certification Inspection in September 1999 because you
do not meet the minimum staffing requirements (it'll just be you doing
EVERYTHING from collections management to giving tours and sitting
behind the desk) nor are the collections stored properly (and you will
not be able to get money to take care of this), so you will be busted
down from a Certified Museum to an Historical Holding, nor will you have
the support of the Historical Society because they pulled their charter
and support from the museum in March.  But in a way, that's probably
okay, because the command and Historical Society hate each other's guts
(in good Brooklyn-ese).  This is a snake pit if ever there was one, and
I don't want anyone else wandering in there thinking it could be okay.
If you're thinking about this job, I URGE you to e-mail me off the list
for more information.  By way of confirmation, I will give you the phone
numbers of Dr. Russell Gilmore, Vicki Davis, and Phil Melfi--all of whom
have also suffered through the position.

Thank you for your time.

Amy Marshall