Dear colleagues,
Although I can't really comment on whether the subject title is appropriate
or inappropriate for some people's computers - I personally have no problem
with the idea of RE: nude youths coming up on my screen - I would assume
that anyone looking at my screen and seeing it in a Museum-L folder would
know any kept message would be of a professional nature.

However, I do hope that this type of discussion re display of items/objects
of a sensitive nature will continue on Museum-L as it is about the way
museums (and not just art museums) deal with issues of exhibition design and
management. It does contribute to policy documents and some of us are taking
note of what courses of action other professionals are considering. As a
newly established program re the human mind and body, we need to consider
the types of subject matter people find 'sensitive' or 'offensive' about
such personal subject matter and I believe this type of discussion is
valuable amongst professionals. It would be a great pity to confine it to a
small group, off list.

Just my 2 cents,

Bronwyn Terrill PO Box 666E
Project Leader  Melbourne Vic 3001 Australia
Human Mind and Body Program     Ph. +613 9291 2187
Programs and Research   Fax +613 9291 2195
Museum Victoria                                         email:
[log in to unmask]

> ----------
> From:         P. Edward Murray[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Reply To:     Museum discussion list
> Sent:         Tuesday, 27 April 1999 12:35 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: Enough please
> Bravo, Mike!
> I feel the same way. Not being an artist, I really can't understand why
> these topics MUST be talked about. Other than being a bit
> the bible says...there is a time for everything.
> Most probably in light of our culture, I too must ask that people keep
> this kind of chatter down to a minimum.
> As I said, there is a time and place for everything. Perhaps this is not
> the best type of forum. I'm sure there are other newsgroups that could
> better handle this topic.
> At any rate, can't regular old Common Sense rule?
> Sincerely,
> Ed Murray