In article <[log in to unmask]>,
  [log in to unmask] wrote:
> The RCMP Centennial Museum ( has begun to
> (slowly) develop their web-site.  It's a small effort that should grow
> over time.  While I have some development experience, I have never
> helped anyone with this type of site before.
> Can anyone give me some suggestions for 'marketing' the site?  Any
> newsgroups, mail lists, web-site, etc that should be used.  The site
> has been recently registered with major search engines.
> TIA, Brent Ostrum

Just the obvious - put it on your letterhead, business cards, answering
machine message, building front, exhibit ads, etc., and do a press release,
esp. to related and educational orgs. (schools, teacher's papers, etc.  And
hotlink it, of course.

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