D Dawson wrote in message <[log in to unmask]>...
>MGC has launched its website at
>Timothy Mason, Director of the Museums & Galleries Commission (MGC),
>commented:  "We hope our new site will be of use to the general museum
>visitor and to those working in museums, providing a one-stop
>information point for all museum related queries.
>"Museums.gov.uk will develop over time.  The first phase, launched
>today, features an extensive range of facts and figures about museums,
>the latest museum-related news, full details of all MGC publications and
>a range of useful links to other museum-related sites.
>"In addition access is provided to Designated museum collections via a
>link to the new MGC database www.cornucopia.org.uk.  By 2001 Cornucopia
>will provide a complete picture of the wealth of museum collections in
>the UK.  Visit us now on www.museums.gov.uk."
>The MGC website was produced by Terry Braun and Gabriella Rajeczy von
>Burian, and designed and programmed by Richard Lord for Illuminations
>Interactive.  Work on the second phase of the site will begin in May
>1999.  Phase two will include a discussion forum to enable users to
>participate in online debate about museum issues, free 'downloadable'
>factsheets, and more museum advice and information.
>The site includes objects chosen by well-known celebrities - the first
>is chosen by Rt. Hon. Chris Smith MP, Secretary of State for Culture,
>Media and Sport, selected the silver swan automaton from the Bowes
>Museum.  "The silver swan is a superb work of craftsmanship, beautifully
>made and detailed.  It is also fun.  It moves, swallows fish, and bows
>its neck."  Located in the great entrance hall of the Bowes Museum,
>Country Durham,  "the swan provides a real focal point for visitors to
>this excellent museum."
>David Dawson
>MGC New Technology Adviser
>usual email address - [log in to unmask]

The page is great! There is just an error you should fix. If I take the link
in your post the page send the error message

The requested URL /home.html was not found on this server.

I'm sure your webmaster will fix this problem within a minute.


Don't forget to visit my page!
(Sights of the World)