AAM's position on IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) and
President Clinton's digitization proposal is roughly as follows:

We support the request for digitization funds, but we also support more
funding for existing IMLS programs, such as General Operating Support,
for the very reasons Jay Smith mentioned in his posting -- namely, that
many museums need more help before they can fully participate in the
"National Digital Library" (which itself is not a fully developed
proposal at this point).  We are joined in this position by the other
museum service associations with representatives in Washington.

As for sustainability on the part of IMLS, it should be remembered that
they don't have the money yet, and everybody agrees that getting *any*
neew funding will be very difficult (unless Congress removes current
caps on discretionary spending, and maybe it will be difficult even
without the caps).

I'm not really in any position to offer advice to museums, being a mere
lobbyist and not a museum practitioner; but I'd encourage people to
explore the range of services that AAM offers, including the Museum
Assessment Program, meetings and seminars, publications, and Technical
Information Service (TIS however is open to *institutional* members
only).  Protect me from my colleagues if I left anybody out.

Andy Finch
AAM Government Affairs
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