I wouldn't say that WWI or WWII "happened" in the US.
Or that space exploration was solely a US undertaking.
Please feel free to cite examples of Canadian events that steered the course
of the 20th century.

I agree that it is a shame that the US television news so often focuses only
on US events, but print media (NY Times or the Globe & Mail, for example,
seem to cover an international array of news stories.)  Instead of getting
all of one's news from the tube, there are other options.

> ----------
> From:         Jane Sproull Thomson
> Reply To:     Museum discussion list
> Sent:         Wednesday, February 3, 1999 9:18 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: Your TOP EVENT / DECISION that shape
> I find it kind of interesting that the major events you mention all
> happened
> in the US.  One of the reasons I had our cable disconnected was that my
> sons
> seemed to be getting the impression, since most cable stations are US
> based,
> that all world events happen in the US, and if it didn't happen in the US
> it
> wasn't important. Now we only watch the CBC news, which gives us a
> Canadian
> slant on events worldwide and uses BBC as well as ABC news reports. Many
> Americans take this dominance for granted...many of you probably don't
> know
> that at this moment, the US and Canada are engaged in a trade dispute over
> Canada's most recent attempt to protect its cultural industries
> internally,
> and the US's  insistence that we have no right to do this.
> What role do museums have in resisting cultural imperialism? Should we
> even try?
> At 10:44 AM 03/02/99 -0600, you wrote:
> >In my opinion the invention of the Television changed everything.  No
> >longer did people have to rely on print or word of mouth the learn of
> >events throughout the country or world.  We could watch Kennedy being
> >assasinated unlike those who learned of Lincoln's death.  We could watch
> >the horrors of the Vietnam war instead of listening to reports over the
> >radio.  The television puts us at the delivery of septuplets and the
> >doorstep of death penalty vigils.  I believe that with the TV's delivered
> >to our home brought more immediate knowledge than had ever been known,
> >even those who are illiterate in this day and time can remain
> >knowledgeable through the TV; but we also lost our cultural innocence.
> > How much good news is reported in comparison to the amount of bad.  How
> >many comparisons to the violence on television to the rise in violence
> >involving our youth, i.e. school murders in Jonesboro, Arkansas, do we
> >hear.  There are people today who do not have computers but how many
> >homes do not have TV's?
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> >From: Roger Smith
> >Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 4:08 AM
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Your TOP EVENT / DECISION that shaped th
> >
> >With Millennium 'madness' looming, I thought it might be rather fun to
> >invite LIST members and individuals to submit their pick of a single
> >event
> >or decision that, in their opinion, made the most impact upon this
> >Century?
> >
> >The recommendations no doubt will be purely subjective ( perhaps a trifle
> >quirky) and should come with a short sentence of justification!
> >
> >
> >The responses will be collated and published in the April edition of
> >MUSEUM ( in the FORUM section).
> >To save bandwidth, could I invite you to mail your contribution off the
> >list
> >to:
> >[log in to unmask]
> >
> >I am picking we will have a wide range of choices and l Iook forward to
> >receiving the nominations
> >
> >Roger
> >
> >http://www.globalmuseum.org
> >
> >
> Jane Sproull Thomson