This posting should be easier to read.

The Iowa Museum Association, The Iowa Arts Council and the State
Historical Society of Iowa would like to invited interested
Registrars/Collections Managers/Curators to attend a one-day workshop,
April 10, 1999 at the State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
[Classroom A & B].  Brent Powell, Chief Preparator, Nelson-Atkins Art
Museum, will present a modified version of his Campbell Center course
entitled "Collections Management in Storage."  The workshop will cover:
1)  Collections Management--will address issues of risk assessment, staff
training, inventory control and handling techniqes; 2) Facilities--will
address issues of environmental standards and equipment, security and
proper maintenance; 3) Cabinetry/Housing--will address issues of techniques,
materials, cabinet design and object housing.  Cost:  $45.00 for non-Iowa
Museum Association members and $40.00 for Iowa Museum Association members.
Price includes lunch on-site.  Time:  9:00-4:30pm.  For more information
contact:  Sheila Hanke, IMA Registrar's SPC Chair, [log in to unmask]
For registration information contact:  Kelly Bettis, Iowa Arts Council,
[log in to unmask]

Brent Powell is a well known packing, housing and collections management
instructor/speaker.  He has spoken at national and state levels.  He is an
instructor at the Campbell Center for Preservation Studies.  Additionally,
he has contributed to/authored several books under the auspices of AAM's