The key thing about my volunteer horror story, I think, is that if you
read it carefully, you will probably realise that we had all the usual
things in place, training that included multicultural awareness, visitor
sensitivity, presentation skills, working with children, dealing with
difficult visitors (I would recommend the John Cleese training films on
difficult customers); assessment, counselling procedures, alternative
employment options, warnings, even firing procedures but in the case of
our little old dragon lady, NONE of it worked!

We interview potential volunteers just as we do potential staff, and our
volunteer coordinator has developed an excellent and very detailed policy
document which covers practically everything (except dragons).  We have
over 170 volunteers of very varied age and interests; some work behind
the scenes, some with visitors (taking tours, running touch trolleys,
helping schools etc) and 99% of them are a joy to work with.

Heleanor Feltham
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