Messed up sending this, hope it's still of interest

Dear Paul,

Museums Australia have long debated this issue and there are policies in
place to which all Australian institutions subscribe - basically it's
been a dead issue for some time, though there are undoubtedly still areas
of interest which could be explored, for instance the role and
responsibilities of Aboriginal Keeping Places and their custodians, or
conservation and storage issues for returned objects....

Contact Kay Soderland, Director, Museums Australia or Peta Landman, also
at MA ( 02.9358 1760) for a copy of the policy document on return of
indigenous artefacts.  Or you could talk to the people at the Australian
Museum (esp. Sheryl Connors who is the Aboriginal Liaison Officer 02.9320

Good wishes for your thesis

Heleanor Feltham
Powerhouse Museum Sydney
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 -----Original Message-----
From: owner-museum-l [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, 20 January 1999 10:46
Subject: aboriginal artefacts

Hello everyone.

my name is paul willis.  While studying a masters in cultural heritage i
working  at a aboriginal research centre in alice springs, australia.
theme/subject matter of my final year thesis is to be on the question of
whether  aboriginal (indigenous) artefacts should or should not be
returned to
their rightful owners.  i would like to know the members  ideas,
feelings, or
thoughts on this matter.  In addition, any relevant publications,
journals, or
papers that discuss this issue.

Although, i am writing primarily on the life of ted strehlow and his
work with
the aranda (arrente) people of central australia, i do beleive that
institutions that house indigenous artefacts or items, would have to
this issue sooner or later to either hold onto or give back the objects.

Any information, insights, thoughts, or  recommendations would be

Thank you for your time.

King regards

paul willis

research officer
Strehlow Research Centre
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