I agree with Rax wholeheartedly!

      "That has been my general take on blockbuster shows ever since.
They offer
the public a superficial experience and the opportunity to buy souvenirs
and tell their friends that they've been to a trendy popular event. For
museum administration, they draw crowds, make money and attract
benefactors. Of course, the fact that blockbuster shows are also a pain
the staff and take time away from the daily operations is irrelevant in
context of the museum as a corporation."

I'm from Washington, DC and the museums of art are virtually empty in
comparison to the history and technological museums until...........the
opening of a blockbuster!
In the 1980's I waited in a line for 8 hours (!) to see the Matisse
exhibit.  Geesh, it was hardly worth it!  I was so tired and cranky that
I couldn't enjoy the overcrowded show or  'experience' the works.

Ever since then, I pick and choose.  I saw the Vermeer show but there was
no way on earth that I would go any where near the recent Van Gogh
exhibit!  What a shame!


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