Hello Everyone,

I need some information that I hope someone on the list may be able to

I have acted in the capacity of curator for small shows in the past but
have never before  in this capacity for a museum.  I have ideas for two
shows where the museum setting would be the best venue.  The first is a
30 year retrospective of the African-American school of art called
AFRICOBRA and the second is a 25 year retrospective or exhibition of
works on paper by Anastasia Seremetis, American, b. Greece.

How would I go about submitting a proposal and to whom?  What should I
expect in terms of my responsibility?  Would I have to deal at all with
the raising of funds for brochures etc?  Could I expect to be paid?

My research is almost complete and I have no idea of where to go from

Thank you for any information you are able to offer.
I am feeling like a little kid trying to cross a busy intersection :-)

Monifa T. Christian

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