It seems that one of the problems in this discussion is that every person is
ultimately interested in self-advancement.  Those with PhDs find PhDs
essential, those with MBAs find MBAs the key to museum success, those with
BAs think that a BA is not a stepping stone but a final achievement level.
I think people need to accept that everyone has a different level of
education, experience, and ability.

To Donna, I'm sure you are intelligent, talented, qualified, whatever...but
you ask "Don't I deserve to work in my chosen [field] in the mean time?"  My
answer is "No".  Why do you feel something is owed to you?  I just don't
understand this attitude.  Also, making an advanced degree out to be purely
a financial issue is silly.  Many people I know are put through degree
programs by their employers, earn scholarships, and/or work while in school.
It is more a matter of hard work than luck.  You talk about people who play
the academic game, but perhaps instead of criticizing, you might see what
you could learn from them- you may find that you can go back to school
afterall if grants and fellowships pay the way.

I know firsthand how difficult it can be to "break into" the museum field,
but there seems to be a pervasive attitude that it is wholly unfair and
completely unfounded that salaries are low, positions are few, and a good
education is a prerequisite.  My opinion is that the best approach is not
bitter and defeatist, but positive and focused.  Noone OWES anyone a job, it
is up to the job-seeker to market him or herself to the best of his or her
ability.    If you do this well, you can persuade the museum that they need
you, and once they think they need you, they will find a place for you.  As
to the requirement for an advanced degree to get a job paying $25,000/year,
so long as someone is willing to take these jobs, the salaries will not