Hello fellow listers - this is a question for all, but particularly U.S.


Roentgen took the worlds' first x-ray image in late 1895.  You many know of
this image - his wifes' hand with a wedding band showing.

In early 1896, Roentgen apparently sent a copy of this image with his
scientific report "On a new kind of Rays" to eight scientists located around
the world.

I am trying to locate at least one of these copies to gain a copy myself.
It would be used as a focal image in an upcoming exhibition which I am
working on, which explores the theme of mapping the human mind and body.

Although Roentgen did not send a copy to Northern America, apparently there
is at least one in a major library there.  Does anyone know which library
has a copy, or any museum or collecting institution that holds one of these
valuable items?

Thanks for your time and interest.

Regards Adrienne Leith
Curator, Inside Out
Human Mind and Body Program
Museum Victoria
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