Robert T. Handy ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: I sure hope this does not get me into trouble again, but I must admit that
: when I see an ad for a position at an institution with some kind of focus
: on Africa, African-American music, art, culture, history, etc., I simply
: assume they are looking for African-American candidates and that I as an
: Anglo, would not be considered for the position.  Therefore, I do not
: apply.  Is this such an outlandish assumption?

I'd say this is a matter that's currently under debate.  Doing research
for an article recently on Detroit's Museum of African American History, I
noted that white designers had in fact been part of the gallery
construction process, but that the institution took some heat for that.

James M. Manheim                        "Is it art,
Associate Editor                           Or is it messy?
University of Michigan Museum of Art     We don't know--
525 S. State St.                           Check with Jesse!"
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1354
(734) 936-0163    fax: (734) 764-3731        --Rev. Billy C. Wirtz