In article <[log in to unmask]>, Ellen Z Hazen
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> It's probably more important to know what browsers, etc. are being used by
> the folks who visit *your* site rather than the general web population, imho.

Well, yes and no. If your site relies so much on particular
browser(s)/browser version(s)/plug-in(s)  that it looks BAD when viewed
any other way, you will tend to get biased statistics. (This is of course
assuming that you get return traffic to your site. After all, why would
anyone subject themselves to the same bad experience twice if they could
help it?) These biased statistics could then be used by the web designers
to prove that "most" people have browser X, version N, with plug-ins Y &

I just think there is still a purpose in knowing what the general web
population has, if you are intending to attract them to your site.

Just a thought.

Sydney Australia