I am not involved in such collaborations, but after doing database
management in a library for a year and a half and hearing all of the
comments, complaints, and queries of the museum folks from this list, I
would highly recommend that museum folks in such collaborations or
partnerships with libraries get their collections on a library-type
database. Such systems (at least the one I worked on) would allow
infinite cross reference of objects (some on this list have asked what
others do in the cases where an object fits under several catagories)
and for multiple pieced objects can be listed both individually and as a
group (e.g., a tea set could be cataloged as a book series would be with
a main record describing the set (silver tea service c.1858, etc. or
encyclopedia copyright 1998, etc.), and smaller attached item records for
the individual pieces (teapot, tray, suger bowl, etc. or vol. 1, vol. 2, etc.).
Thus each piece could be individually labeled and located in different
places, but a quick look on the computer would tell you that they are all
part of the same set).  I have yet to figure out how microsoft access (a
thoroughly horrific program in my opinion) and the like could do such
things, which is what I remember reading on this list as the database
programs some museums use. I should point out that not all library
systems are created equal either - I have used some pretty horrible ones
there too.

                                                        angela putney
                                                        [log in to unmask]

>>> Tamara Starke <[log in to unmask]> 08/19/98 08:35am >>>
I am doing some research into collaborations or partnerships between
museums and libraries.  Is anyone involved in such a partnership, and if
so, what benefits have you derived from it?  What services have you
able to provide that you couldn't have offered without the partnership?

Tamara Starke
[log in to unmask]