Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 17:36:08 +0200 (IST)
From: MICHAEL COGSWELL <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Job Opening: Asst. Director
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Note: New closing date of 31 August 1998.

Please excuse any cross postings.

Thank you.

Michael Cogswell
Louis Armstrong House and Archives



TITLE:  Assistant Director, Louis Armstrong House and Archives, Queens
College, CUNY.

DUTIES:  (1) Writing, packaging, and submitting grant proposals and grant
reports; (2) Assisting researchers with use of the collections; (3)
Processing archival materials; (4) Hiring, training, and supervising
staff; (5) Planning the development and operations of the Armstrong
House; (6) Designing and presenting public programs; (7) Designing and
installing exhibits and displays; (8) Negotiating use fees and
permissions; (9) Responding to emergency alarms; and (10) Other duties as

QUALIFICATIONS: (1) Bachelor's degree in Music, Museum Studies, Library
Science, Africana Studies, or American Studies; or equivalent
professional experience; (2) Demonstrated success in grant writing; (3)
At least five years of increasingly responsible employment in an
archives, library, or museum; (4) Excellent writing skills; (5) Excellent
interpersonal skills; (6) Excellent references.

RANKING FACTORS:  (1) Knowledge of Louis Armstrong; (2) Previous
administrative experience; (3) Previous success in grant writing; (4)
Graduate studies in a relevant field or equivalent professional experience.

SALARY RANGE:  $40,000 - $44,200 per year.

TO APPLY:  Please send cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three letters
of reference to:  Michael Cogswell, Director, Louis Armstrong House and
Archives, Queens College, CUNY, Flushing, NY  11367.  Applications
accepted until 31 August 1998.  For more information, call 718-997-3670.

The Research Foundation of the City University of New York is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action/Americans with Disabilities Act employer.
