International Council of Museums Conference 1998

Museums and Cultural Diversity - Ancient Cultures, New Worlds

July 1998 Update

Anticipation is building around the world as museum professionals
register for ICOM '98, the International Council of Museums conference.
ICOM is the world's largest organisation devoted to museum development,
collections, culture and heritage. This prestigious triennial meeting
will be held in Melbourne, Australia, from 10 - 16 October 1998, the
first time ever to be held in the Asia-Pacific region.

Over 1500 museum professionals from 50 countries are expected to attend.
The theme for ICOM '98 is Museums and Cultural Diversity - Ancient
Cultures, New Worlds which recognises the rapidly changing world in
which we live. The theme of the conference will be addressed by six
international speakers. There will also be six prominent indigenous and
non-indigenous Australians who will discuss issues of representation,
community and self representation in the broad context of cultural
diversity. The Australian speakers are:
*       Mr Aden Ridgeway, Chairperson, National Indigenous Working
Group; Trustee of the Australian Museum, NSW
*       The Hon. Frederick Michael Chaney, Chancellor, Murdoch
University, Murdoch, WA
*       Professor Ann Curthoys, Manning Clark Professor of History,
Australian National University, Canberra, ACT
*       Professor Mary Kalantzis, Dean of Faculty of Education, Royal
Melbourne Institute of Tafe, Melbourne, VIC
*       Ms Linda Burney, Chairperson, New South Wales Reconciliation
Committee, Trustee of the  Historic Houses Trust of NSW, NSW
*       Professor Marcia Langton, Chairperson, Australian Institute of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Studies, Canberra, ACT

A highlight of the ICOM 98 Trade Fair is the Australian Museums
Showcase, funded by the Department of Communication and the Arts and the
Australia Council. This project will enable participating Australian
museums and cultural organisations to showcase their collections,
expertise, venues and programs to an international museum audience. For
further information on how to become a part of the project please
contact Ingrid Kellenbach, phone (03) 9827 6511.

Conference Program: The proposed Welcome Reception has been cancelled.
However there will be an Opening Event on the Sunday night, 11 October,
at the Royal Exhibition Building which will enable delegates to enjoy
the vitality of Australian hospitality.

For further information please contact Narelle Morrison, Public
Relations Officer, ICOM '98, phone: 61 3 9651 6726; facsimile: 61 3 9651
6321; or email: [log in to unmask]