In article <[log in to unmask]>, Mark Friedman <[log in to unmask]>
>Check out the newest feature on our Museum's website:
>   Quicktime Virtual Reality, 360 degree panorama's of certain exhibits,
>   starting with our new Lord Admiral Nelson Gallery (
> )
>In addition, our permanent August Crabtree Gallery of Miniature Ships is
>unbelievable, with the models appearing to be suspended in mid-air (
> )
>I would look forward to other Museum's experience with such technology
>online, and how users react to the required PLUGINs, and their long
>download times.

Without any disrespect to the content of your new site's VR or of your
gallery, can I point out in the interests of accuracy of museum
scholarship that Nelson's full designation is Admiral Lord Nelson not
Lord Admiral..... - assuming it's the Nelson whose statue stands aloft
in Trafalgar Square.  Similarly, for example, Field-Marshal Viscount
Montgomery of Alamein etc.  Whilst the continuation of our honours
system and the House of Lords is up for refreshing debate, we have to
accept the given protocols when it comes to historical references!

Bob Melling