He took the words right out of my mouth.  Of course I can't lay claim to
a scientific background.  But pretty much, the work should stand on its
own, and who knows, we've found another great century artist lurking in
the shadows of a better known one.

Olivia S. Anastasiadis, Curator
Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace
18001 Yorba Linda Boulevard
Yorba Linda, CA  92886
(714) 993-5075 ext. 224; fax (714) 528-0544; e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

On Thu, 23 Jul 1998 19:11:59 +0100 Leonard Will
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Perhaps I betray my early scientific training, where the value of an
>idea is not dependent on the person who puts it forward. I have never
>been happy that the aesthetic value of an art object, or the
>justification of placing it in a museum, should depend on the name of
>the artist. Certainly it should not be exhibited under a name known to
>be false, but should the object not speak for itself?
>Of course I accept that in a history museum, for example, everyday
>objects may be worth exhibiting only because of their historical
>associations, and the accuracy of representational art may depend on
>circumstances of its creation, but is "fine art" not exhibited
>because it is in itself interesting, stimulating, provoking of
>and emotions, etc.?
>So my answer to this question, so long as the museum's legal title to
>hold the object is still valid, would be "Change the label, keep the
>Leonard Will
>Willpower Information       (Partners: Dr Leonard D Will, Sheena E
>Information Management Consultants                 Tel: +44 181 372
>27 Calshot Way, Enfield, Middlesex, EN2 7BQ, UK    Fax: +44 181 372
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