July 17, 1998
ART NEWS ANNUALS: 1938 and 1939

1938 Annual, Volume XXXVI, No. 26
The contents are on heavy paper.(9 1/2 x 14")
The Great Venetians, paintings in American Collections
English Decorative Arts under the Stuarts
Contemporary American Paintings in Mrs. John D. Rockefeller's Collection
Chinese Jade: 3000 Years of Master Craftsmanship
Cezanne in America: The Master's Paintings in American Collections

The 9 1/2 x 14"plates are on heavy shiny paper suitable for framing.
 Plates in Full Color
Bellini: The Feast of the Gods
Crivelli: Madonna and Child
Bellini: Portrait of a Doge
Veneto: Portrait of a Man
Titian: Portrait of Cardinal de Granvella
Charles II and his Queen in Stuart Embroidery
Charles Sheeler: American Landscape
Chinese Jade Bowl, XVII Century
Cezanne: Les Grandes Baigneuses
Cezanne: The Basket of Apples
Cezanne: The House of Pere Lacroix
182 pages with many ads for NY,London & Paris galleries and auction houses
that are no longer with us. $40+ 3 postage.

1939 Annual, Volume XXXVII, No. 22
The contents are on heavy paper.(9 1/2 x 14")
On Flemish Painting at Worcester and Philadelphia
The Character of Flemish Art
The Story of the Armory Show
Collecting from a Critical Viewpoint
The Old and the New
Personalities Past and Present
Great Chinese Sculpture in America
Master Drawings of the Renaissance
Decorative Art and Life Under the Four Georges
Thirty-Three Masterpieces in a Modern Collection:
the Collection of Stephen C. Clark

The 9 1/2 x 14"plates are on heavy shiny paper suitable for framing.
 Plates in Full Color
Rubens: Virgin and Child with Forget-me-nots
Jan van Eyck: The Stigmatization of St. Francis
Hugo van der Goes: The Holy Family
Bruges Master about 1460: The Annunciation
Quentin Metsys: Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Durer: Young Woman in Dance Costume
Chelsea Porcelain Figure of about 1760
George I Setee
Seurat: La Parade
Renoir: Mlle Therese Berard
Van Gogh: Night Cafe
Eakins: Will Shuster Going Shooting
186pages with many ads for NY,London & Paris galleries and auction houses that
are no longer with us. $40+ 3 postage.

These are in VG condition only the front and back covers have been removed.
For both Annuals, $75 + $5 postage
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Nancy & Michael Feldman                             New York,NY 10001 & Roxbury
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                        Antiques, Books, Historical Paper, Reaearch  & Tree
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