Two evenings ago, I was at a meeting held in an historic mill located in a
reasonably historic village in eastern Ontario. Among other initiatives, the
locl heritage committee plans to create a virtual mill on their website and
link it to a variety of specific documents, artifacts, and information
sources in several countries. They ALSO plan to do similar things for the
other heritage buildings in the village, and bring them together
electronically to form a "virtual village". It's an interesting but also
very ambitious project; however, they have already captured significant
support from a major high tech firm.

I would like to know what similar village-based projects there might be out
there in cyberland. I think it would help the local folks to see what other
places may be doing.

Also, could someone please give me the cpontact info for that association
which includes agricultural museums?

Thank you.


Harry Needham
Special Advisor - Programme Development
Canadian War Museum
330 Sussex Drive,
Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0M8
Voice: (819) 776-8612  Fax (819) 776-8623
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