In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] wrote:

> We are currently looking to keep details of our schools service bookings
> on computer.  Has anyone made use of software such as Lotus Organiser or
> other 'off the shelf' software for such purposes?  If so, can it work?
> We have five staff teaching in three buildings and currently use a master
> diary only for recording bookings - and it is getting a bit too
> complicated!  Any advice or experiences welcomed.

Well, yes and no. We use a system that I created using HyperCard (an
"off-the-shelf" product that runs on Mac computers, but which will be
cross-platform when QuickTime 4.0 comes out, probably later this year). If
you want further information (and a demo), visit my web-site and go to then click on
"Various Application stacks" in the left pane.

Cantact me by e-mail if you're still interested.

Jonathan Cooper
Co-ordinator, Education Programmes (& HyperCard Developer)
Public Programmes Department
Art Gallery of New South Wales     --    Sydney, Australia
Fax: +612 9221 5129         Email: [log in to unmask]
Personal web-site:
Gallery web-site: