Arlyn Danielson said:  "Your comment begs the question,
     why not hire from this type of posting?"

     It does?  OK.  When I advertise widely to meet the
     legal requirements under which I must operate, I pay
     for ads in AVISO, Mountain-Plains Newsgram, and AASLH
     Dispatch.  I also post on MERC, Museum-L, our own home
     page and on North Dakota Job Service's WWW page.  I
     usually get 50-75 applications, of which 15-25 are
     clearly qualified.  I am required to read ALL the
     applications I receive to be sure every applicant is
     treated fairly. The last thing I want to do is read
     MORE resumes, especially when I don't have anything
     open - which is why I'd rather not see resumes posted
     on Museum-L.  I suppose if I had a position open, and I
     happened to read a resume for someone who was
     qualified, I could invite them to apply.

     Perhaps my attitude is "bad," but it seems to me that
     since I have a job to "market" I could expect potential
     applicants to actually address the requirements of the
     job and make some effort to prove themselves to me,
     rather than expecting I will simply be so taken by
     their credentials that I "call that potential candidate
     for an interview."

     Hope that helps you understand the position I took.

     Chris Dill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. L. Dill, Museum Director
State Historical Society of North Dakota
612 East Boulevard
Bismarck  ND  58505-0830    USA
P: (701)328-2666
F: (701)328-3710
E:  [log in to unmask]
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