But perhaps, if we were to band together (heaven forbid, to organize) and
consistently demand that employers in our profession be up front and open
about salaries, we would all fare better.  Most of us belong to
professional associations.  What are these associations doing to help us
get good salaries?  Think about the A.M.A.  No matter what you might think
about how much Doctors earn (or used to), you must admit that the A.M.A. by
setting standards, limiting the number who could join the profession, etc.,
etc., put physicians in a pretty good place economically.  Is there anyone
out there trying to do that for us.  Are we trying to do that for
ourselves.  I don't think so.  I think most of us are in the position of
worrying about someone standing outside the door ready to take our jobs for
5% less pay.

Thank you Mark, for your kind comments.  Yes, like many other
professionals, I am looking to advance.  Love my job.  Love the work I do.
 But its time to move upward and onward!

Robert Handy
Brazoria County Historical Museum
[log in to unmask]

From:   Herve Gagnon[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Thursday, April 16, 1998 8:43 AM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Re: JOB OPPORTUNITY: Museum Director, Golden State Museum

Mark: seems to me your reply to Bob's comments is nothing but an easy way
Museum professionals are not "used" to waisting their time applying to
positions just to learn later on that the salary is ridiculous (or not...).
They are simply resigned to it because institutions have made a norm of the
very reasoning you're proposing.  Out of basic respect for the
professionals it
seeks and needs, an institution should make sure a candidate doesn't have
dance on his/her head to "find out" what kind of money is involved and then
"everything is OK".  Of course an institution has the right to do "whatever
wants" but with that kind of respect for professionals, it will also wind
with a second-rate staff.  And if they have "their reasons", it might be
for them to a serious look at the way they've become corporations that are
completely cut off from the real world.  Frankly, I wouldn't want to work
someone who holds that kind of views.

Herve Gagnon, Ph.D.
Colby-Curtis Museum
Quebec (Canada)

Mark Morrison a ecrit:

> At 03:49 PM 4/15/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >What is the pay range?  Save us all (or some of us) some time.
> >------
> >Robert Handy
> >Brazoria County Historical Museum
> >museum_bob
> >[log in to unmask]
> >
> Bob:  Have we not been over this just recently?   The vast majority of
> museum professionals are used to some position announcements not having
> salary listed and are fine with it.  We somehow find out the information
> and everything is OK.  An institution has the right to do whatever it
> when posting an opening--they have their reasons.
> As you currently seem very interested in this job posting subject, I am
> guessing that you may be in the market for a new gig.  The Brazoria
> people would surely miss you.  Do stay active on Museum-L, however, as
> museum world enjoys your feedback.  MTM