New remit for MDA

Following a year long review the new remit of MDA has been endorsed by
the Museums & Galleries Commission who have announced a 12% increase
in core grant to the organisation for 1998/99. From April MDA is
supporting UK museums in all aspects of heritage information management
including the crucial area of information and communications
technology (ICT).

MDA Director, Louise Smith, commented: "I am
delighted that the vital role MDA has in providing documentation
standards is now firmly set within the ICT context. The museum
profession will certainly feel the benefits and MDA is more than ready
to get on with the job!" She added: "We are looking forward to working
with the newly appointed Museums New Technology Adviser at the MGC to
ensure that all aspects of ICT are coherently and strategically
addressed within the museum community."

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David Dawson                    email: [log in to unmask]
- - - - - - -
Outreach Manager, Museum Documentation Association

1 Hitchman Drive, Chipping Norton, OX7 5BG Telephone 01608 645576

MAIN MDA OFFICE - Jupiter House, Station Road, Cambridge, CB1 2JD
Tel: (+44) 1223 315760 Fax: (+44) 1223 362521