In article <[log in to unmask]>,
  [log in to unmask] (John Leeke) wrote:
> Dr. Rot:
> Your product comparison testing (at your website)  was interesting and would
> even be useful if you listed the actual products used in the comparison.
> Without that information the comparison does little to help us understand the
> characterists of your product base on our understanding of the other products
> out on the market.
> How about providing us with the names of the products used?
> John Leeke, Preservation Consultant
> 26 Higgins St., Portland, ME 04103, USA
> 207 773-2306
> Old-House Journal, Contributing Editor
> Practical Restoration Reports, Publisher

Your request is well taken. There were *management* decisions that said not to
make the product names integral with the test section.

But here they are: Product A was Arbatron's *Liquid Wood* and product B was
Boatlife's *Git-Rot*. The base standard epoxy resin was West with a slow

There are other *wood-hardners* out there but it our humble opinion that a
premmium epoxy product is required for strength and long-term stability.

We'd be happy to answer any addition questions, or respond to comments.

The Rot Doctor
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 206 783 0307
Fax: 206 783 0582

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