I agree with you that image capture is a highly useful tool when
cataloguing objects.  However, unlike objects, plant and insect
specimens are classified, i.e. genus and species and even subspecies.
Therefore each specimen is already described with all characteristics
fitting that classification, and therefore each such 'object' is easily
recognisable.  A photograph of the same plant or insect will just be a
repeat, and will not give any further distinguishing information.  Given
the number of Botanical and Entomological specimens being accessioned, I
would suggest that you only stipulate that they photograph type
specimens, thus restricting the number of photographs quite
Adrienne Leith

> ----------
> From:         Zdenka Pospisilova[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Reply To:     Museum discussion list
> Sent:         Thursday, 19 February 1998 12:11 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Collection image databases
> Hello,
> As I head of the Moravian Museum Documentation Centre I was asked to
> write internal guidelines for cataloguing. Being convinced that image
> of
> the object should be a part of the catalogue I am forcing the curators
> to photograph the objects. Two of our departments are objecting this -
> botany and entomology - they say they are unable to shoot all the
> objects that are coming to their collections, because its too
> expensive
> and impossible. The botany department aquires about 10.000 items per
> year. Could anybody help me with his, hers experience in that field.
> Thanks a lot.
> Krasimir Damjanov
> UNESCO International Summer School of Museology Brno
> http://www.webmuseen.de/ISSOM
> or
> mailto: [log in to unmask]
> http://www.fi.muni.cz/mzm