How many Canadians? 100! One to replace the bulb, the other 99 to make sure
that what the first is doing is politically correct.

It reminds me of the episode from the old Stan Freberg radio shows (us older
folks remember them!) called "Bang Gunleigh, U. S. Marshall Field", a spoof on
horse operas, where the hero's primary response to any question is "Wellll, it
sure looks like somebody cut through that fence, all right".

At the end of the episode, the hero says, "Well, come on, Pedro!"
Pedro: "Si, amigo. We go mucho pronto, hey?"
Miss Judy (female love interest): "Pedro! Where did HE come from?"
Gunleigh: "Oh, Pedro? He materializes at the end of each episode."
Miss Judy: " he Mexican?"
Pedro: "No, senorita, Swiss. Theese way we don't offend nobody!"

Have a good weekend,

Harry Needham
Canadian War Museum (and you thought Eric was a curmudgeon!)