Before anyone emails the following all over the world, look at the FCC's
web page on this ( So far I had several friends send me this
and have sent copies of statements from the FCC page regarding the "access
charges thing".  The FCC is not taking anymore public comments.

HomeMcT1 ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Subj: FCC
: Date: 98-02-02 23:52:46 EST
: From: JerryFD
: To:   Tort7, MetalKaryn, Derrick RL, Luceebug, HomeMcT1

: I am writting you to inform you of a very important matter currently under
: review by the FCC.  Your local telephone company has filed a proposal with
: FCC to impose per minute charges for your internet service.  They contend
: your usage has or will hinder the operation of the telephone network.  It is
: belief that Internet usage will diminish if users were required to pay
: additional per minute charges and the proposed regulation constitutes just
: plain bad public policy.  The FCC has created an e-mail box for your
: Responses must be received by February 13, 1998.
: Send your comments to [log in to unmask] and tell them what you think.  Every phone
: company is in on this one (it will be a windfall for them) and they are
: to quietly sneek it in.  Let everyone you know hear about this one.  Get the
: e-mail address to everyone you can think of.

: JD

M Marie Maxwell
Semi-professional grad student
Will study for food