Hmmm.  Obviously not ALL jobs can be hired internally.
     The people being hired have to come from somewhere down
     the system in that case.  Perhaps people are taking
     lesser jobs, putting in their "time," and getting
     advanced, but that leaves an opening lower on the
     scale, doesn't it?  Is there something inherently
     unfair in that process which I don't see?  Personally,
     I like to see a broad range of applicants for positions
     we advertise.  We're so small and have so little turn
     over that there's not much room to do "time" in a
     lesser position.

     Chris Dill

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C. L. Dill, Museum Director
State Historical Society of North Dakota
612 East Boulevard
Bismarck  ND  58505-0830
P: (701)328-2666
F: (701)328-3710
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