Please pardon me as I atone for one of my past mistakes.

Way back in 1996, I, [log in to unmask], wrote to the Museum-Ed group:
> Dear Ed Folk:
> If you're interested in learning more about labels, you might also want the
> check out the current issue of Visitor Behavior.....
> For more information about Visitor Behavior, you can call the Center for
> Social Design in Jacksonville, Alabama at (202) 782-5640.
> Eric Gyllenhaal
> (an exhibits person who lurks this group)
> The Field Museum

And now, every few months, that message comes back to haunt me.  It used to
haunt me only because I got the telephone number wrong:  Steve Bitgood and the
Center for Social Design in Jacksonville, Alabama, are ACTUALLY at (205)
782-5640, and that used to be one way to reach the Visitor Studies Association
(VSA) as well.  As of today, December 15, 1997, you can still contact Steve if
you want back issues of Visitor Behavior.  (The one on labels referred to in
the old message is Winter, 1996 -- Vol XI, No. 4 -- still highly recommended!) of last summer, my old message became doubly haunting, because the
Visitor Studies Association moved to Fort Collins, Colorado.  Now you can't get
them by calling Steve's number, even if you get the area code correct!  Here is
the latest contact information for Visitor Studies Association, as approved by
the current president of VSA, Ross Loomis:

Visitor Studies Association membership information:
Contact David Simmons, Treasurer, phone (508) 347-3362, e-mail < [log in to unmask]

Other Visitor Studies Association business:
Contact Ross Loomis, President, phone (970) 491-6059, e-mail <
[log in to unmask] >

And, once again, for back issues of Visitor Behavior:
Contact Steve Bitgood, pnone/fax (205) 782-5640, e-mail < [log in to unmask]

From what I understand, VSA will be getting a toll-free 800 number soon.

Eric Gyllenhaal
Selinda Research Associates
Chicago, IL