Hello Fellow Museum-L-ers:
After seven years as a museum professional, I decided to return to
graduate school to become an even more "professional professional!"

I'm still wondering if this was an insane choice....

I'm looking for a WWW site that might help me put together a reading
list in American Material Culture. I have several lists in hand, and I
know of several excellent theoretical works about the issues of
material culture in museums, social history and material culture and
the power of objects, but I can't seem to find exactly the kind of
material studies I'm looking for. (Probably because I'm having
difficulty articulating what I want:  studies that look at social
movements through material culture especially 20th century women,
African American and Native American social/political movements)

Can anyone suggest sites that might include bibliographic references?
Or, perhaps, someone can suggest some good publisher sites that might

Thanks in advance for your help.

Please email me directly rather than bore the list.

Denise D. Meringolo
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