In reply to Jodi Gronborg, I wish to add the following:

But how many people do you know visit a musuem just to go to the gift shop
(unless they've been there before and are searching for gifts they might
have seen on that other visit)?

I don't think it really matters where you put the collection desk. If people
want to visit you, for your displays or your gift shop, they'll do so. And I
think that if somebody just wants to visit the gift shop, and it's past the
collection point, then there should be a policy of "limited free" admissions
to certainly let those people into the gift shop where they can spend their

My point is that unless you're a major museum making a major marketing
effort, your gift shop income can't really be considered a stable source of
revenue. I think it's directly tied to whatever your visitorship levels are.
The more people you have through the door, the more people you'll have
wander off into the gift shop. And the more you'll have through the gift
shop, the higher your sales will be--meaning more money for your museum.

Enjoying the conversation.

Thomas E. (Pete) Jordon

Jodi Gronborg wrote in message

I am used to the gift shop being before the admission booth or gate.  Anyone
can enter the gift shop even if they don't pay admission to the museum.
Charging admission in this situation does not affect the quantity of gift
shoppers/possible members as indicated below.