If I may quibble just a bit, the International Antarctic Centre DOES have a
mueum, known as its "Visitor Centre", which is a large, modern, interesting and
climate-controlled building, with excellent facilities.

The exhibits at the Centre deal primarily with contemporary research and
exploration in Antarctica. In addition to the traditional cases of artifacts
and lifesize dioramas, included is a large room I would describe as a climate
chamber, where you find yourself standing in extreme cold on the Antarctic ice.
The sound of the wind howls around you and, if you can stand the cold, the
light cycles thgrough an Antarctic day in a matter of minutes. As this is the
first thing you see, on entering the galleries, it makes quite an impact!

I suggested the Canterbury Museum because of its interest in the HISTORY of
Antarctic exploration, but I believe the Visitor Centre of the International
Antarctic Centre might also be an appropriate venue.

Harry Needham