Dear Museum L people

I am sending this for my colleague Simon who has been told how
wonderfully helpful the members of this discussion list are.  So I hope
you can help him.  You can reply direct to his email or back through the


> From: Museum of Victoria, Melbourne Museum Development Division
> We are currently developing the new Melbourne Museum which is due to
> open in the year 2000.  This is a large building (60,000 m2) (see web
> site for further information).
> One of our major tasks is to develop a facility management plan.  This
> will cover such things as, security, maintenance, emergency
> procedures, contractor procedures, cleaning, etc.
> We are currently gathering information from as many useful sources as
> possible and will start to collate this information into catagories
> and then prepare the managment plan.
> One of the best sources of information is the users and operators of
> similar facilites around the world.  If anyone has been involved in
> developing a facility management plan or knows of someone who may be a
> useful contact in this area, we would appreciate hearing from you.
> Any issues, comments and suggestions that you can offer would also be
> greatly appreciated.
> Simon Stockfeld
> Building Liaison
> Museum Development
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