Dear Sebastian,

I have written 3 articles on "Virtual Museums". One is an early article in
April or May 1997, which is a virtual tour of the Acropolis. This is sort
of a cross between a museum and an art history lession. But the site allows
you to stand at several places around the Acropolis and see the location as
you would if you were actually standing on that spot.

The second is "Mark Harden's Virtual Museum." This article
covers the many different parts of Mark Harden's site which is a virtual
museum. He offers several unique ways of comparing works of art, not
possible in a real museum, or any other place except in virtual space.

The third, and most purely virtual, is a recent article in early August on
"Quondam: a Virtual Museum of Architecture." This article features a very
large and complex site which offers several comparisions of ancient
buildings which no longer exist as well as a method of comparing these
structures with modern structures in virtual reality. He also offers a
challenge for others to participate in his project.

All three of these articles offer new ways to look at the materials which
museums now possess and ways of combining them to offer and even richer
experience to the art lover/ enthusiast. You can read these articles by
visiting my site at <>. I hope you
will write me and tell me whether you find my articles useful to your
quest. Good luck!


Chris Jeffries
Fine Arts Guide, The Mining Company
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
Chris Jeffries
Fine Arts Guide at the Mining Company
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