I hestitate even to respond to postings such as yours,
filled with misinformation, rumor, and innuendo,
but your amazing lack of tact and your crass remarks compel me to respond.

If we were to believe your posting of the 25th, then the Japanese,
or that group of "Russian businessmen"  were in the market for FAE.
First, your reaction that there were Russian businessmen comes across as
reactionary right wing...Second, how can you say it "obvious" that
"only the Japanese could afford it" ?...that statement displays how little
you must understand of the financial world.

 I totally understand why employees of the company, as you put it "can't
or won't"  answer your questions...why would they even want to talk
to you about the internal affairs of their own company?  What
business is it of yours?

I would hope that the museum community at large  has the good sense
to ignore you.  Any information I come across  will certainly not
be shared with the likes of you...