The City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is building a science/discovery
center.  The institution does not currently have any (? or much) staff,
and none that are devoted to developing, testing, and building exhibits.

Therefore, they are looking to contract out all of these functions.  The
problem seems to be that since they don't know what type of exhibits
they want/need, it would be difficult for them to let one contract that
would take care of the preliminary brain work, prototyping, ALONG WITH
construction and installation.

My questions to you, my Museum-L friends, is this:  do any of you work
at a publicly-run (as opposed to private, non-profit) Science Center that
has done anything remotely similar?  Is there a way to let one contract
for everything and not get taken to the cleaners?  Or would a two-step
process be the best plan?

I am asking, not for myself, but for Wally Doolittle of the Sioux Falls
City Attorney's office.  He would appreciate any thoughts that any of you
might have on the subject.  He can be reached at 605/367-8883 or by e-mail
at [log in to unmask]

Thanks for any help you can give.

Claudia Nicholson
Curator of Collections
Museum of the South Dakota State Historical Society

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